Biomedical Engineering Excellence Cluster of Poznan University of Technology

Cluster Team

The Cluster team currently consists of 29 employees, from 11 Institutes of 7 Faculties of Poznan University of Technology.

Among the Cluster members are 11 professors and PhDs, 17 employees with a doctoral degree

and 1 employee with a master's degree.




                      Faculty of Architecture

                      Faculty of Chemical Technology

                      Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering

                      Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications

                      Faculty of Engineering Management

                      Faculty of Materials Engineering

                      Faculty of Mechanical Engineering




                     Institute of Applied Mechanics

                     Institute of Architecture and Physical Planning

                     Institute of Computing Science

                     Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering

                     Institute of Interior Design and Industrial Design

                     Institute of Machine Design

                     Institute of Materials Research and Quantum Engineering

                     Institute of Materials Technology

                     Institute of Mechanical Technology

                     Institute of Safety and Quality Engineering

                     Institute of Transport